How to find us

Instructions on how to reach the inorganic section


University of Stuttgart
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Pfaffenwaldring 55
70569 Stuttgart

site map

How to get to the Institut of Inorganic Chemistry

At the Autobahnkreuz Stuttgart, follow signs for Stuttgart Zentrum. After driving through the short tunnel (actually an underbridge), take the exit Universität. Take a left at the traffic lights; you are now on Universitätsstraße. Keep to the left where the road forks after about 150 m and continue on Universitätsstraße (visitors are requested to also ref. location map of university area Stuttgart-Vaihingen). Access to the tall chemistry building Pfaffenwaldring 55 is on the right at the S-Bahn sign (a white “S” on a round, green plate). Press the switch on the barrier post and you will be connected to the warden’s office. State your business and the name of the institute you are visiting. Make sure you are not parking in a fire protection area as this is strictly prohibited. A large public parking area is also available within walking distance. Rooms of the Institute are mostly located on the third and fourth floor.

Please mention that you want to travel to the S-Bahn stop Universität Stuttgart, when buying your ticket. Get off at the main station (Hauptbahnhof), follow signs for S-Bahn (white S on a green, round background). You can take the S1 (towards Herrenberg or Böblingen), S2 (towards Filderstadt or Vaihingen) or the S3 (towards Flughafen/Airport or Vaihingen) and get off at the Universität stop (approx. 10 minutes). After alighting follow signs to Universitätszentrum. You will see the tall chemistry building once you are out of the station. Rooms of the Institute are mostly located on the third and fourth floor.

An elevator located in the arrival hall will take you straight down to the S-Bahn station Stuttgart Flughafen. Please purchase your tickets at the ticket machines located at the station as no tickets are available in the S-Bahn. All trains leaving from platform 2 stop at Universität. The ride will take approximately 16 minutes. After alighting follow signs to Universitätszentrum. You will see the tall chemistry building once you are out of the station. Rooms of the Institute are mostly located on the third and fourth floor.


This image shows Christian Sindlinger

Christian Sindlinger

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Executive Director

This image shows Klaus Hübler

Klaus Hübler

Dr. rer. nat.

AD - Administration

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