
Lectures and Research Internships


Winter Semester

Details regarding the lectures are provided via official annountments and records in C@mpus-Portal and ILIAS-Portal of the University of Stuttgart


Summer Semester

Details regarding the lectures are provided via official annountments and records in C@mpus-Portal and ILIAS-Portal of the University of Stuttgart

  • Grundlagen der Anorganischen und Analytischen Chemie (AC1) - Chemie der Nichtmetalle
  • Moderne Anorganische Molekülchemie
  • Instrumentelle Analytik 2
  • Strukturaufklärung

Thesis Projects and Reearch Internships

Research Projects

Starting in spring 2023, we will be able to offer research internships in our group as part of the MSc courses in synthetic inorganic chemistry but also will offer BSc and MSc and PhD thesis projects in synthetic molecular inorganic and organometallic chemistry. While our core expertise is synthetic chemistry of reactive compounds requiring inert gas manipluation, for every project in our group we can discuss how individual preferences in research techniques that you are interested in may be considered (e.g. hetero-nuclear NMR spectroscopy, kinetic measurements, spectroscopic techniques or computational DFT approaches).

If you are interested please get in touch as soon as possible to allow for further planning and scheduling. Please contact us directly via e-mail to the below-mentioned  people.


This image shows Christian Sindlinger

Christian Sindlinger

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.


This image shows Tobias Heitkemper

Tobias Heitkemper

Dr. rer. nat.

Scientific Co-Worker

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