Terrae Rarae 2024

32. Tage der Seltenen Erden in Stuttgart, Germany


11:30 Begin registration

13:00 Opening remarks

Chair: Prof. Dr. Rainer Niewa

13:15 Plenary Lecture: Dr. Florian Jaroschik (Institute Charles Gerhardt, Montpellier, France): Twenty years of low-valent lanthanide chemistry with superbulky Cp ligands

14:10 Dr. Sandeep K. Thakur (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany): Similarities and Differences in Benzene Reduction with Ca, Sr, Yb and Sm: Benzene2− versus Benzene4−

14:30 Dr. Salauat Kiraev (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France): Photophysical Properties of Triazacyclononane Complexes with Thioanisolyl-Picolinates as a Function of the Lanthanide Ion

14:50 Dr. Dimitrii Roitershtein (Topochiev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Moscow, Russia): N-Heterocyclic Tridentate Ligands for the Design of Rare Earth Complexes

15:10 − 15:40 Coffee break

Chair: Prof. Dr. Christian Sindlinger

15:40 Prof. Dr. Richard Layfield (University of Sussex, Brighton, UK): The Pursuit of Exotic Oxidation States in Rare Earth Chemistry

16:00 Dr. Elisabeth Kreidt (TU Dortmund University, Germany): Photoswitching lanthanoid luminescence with diazocines

16:20 Dina Akl (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France): NIR-NIR Lanthanide Emitting Bioprobes for Invivo Imaging

16:40 Dr. Nicolaj Kofod (University of Manchester, UK): Non-Radiative Transitions in Lanthanide Photophysics

17:00 Nathan Alcock (University of Manchester, UK): Determination of actinide central-field covalency with 3d4f resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Thomas Schleid

17:20 Plenary lecture: Prof. Dr. Thomas Albrecht (Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, USA): Chemistry Beyond Plutonium

18:20 – 20:00 Poster session

Chair: Prof. Dr. Holger Kohlmann

09:00 Plenary lecture: Prof. Dr. Susan Kauzlarich (University of California, Davis, CA, USA): Zintl Phases, Hydrides, and Electrides: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications

10:00 Dr. Svetlana Klementyeva (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany): Lanthanide vertices in main group clusters

10:20 Villads Nielsen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark): Relating Electronic Structure with molecular structure of Neodymium(III) complexes

10:40 − 11:10 Coffee break

Chair: Prof. Dr. Stephan Hohloch

11:10 Dr. Jack Baldwin (University of Manchester, UK): Low-coordinate lanthanide complexes with bulky silylphosphide ligands

11:30 Dr. Sophie Corner (University of Manchester, UK): Rare Earth Diaza-diborolyl Complexes

11:50 Dr. Maxime Beauvois (University of Tübingen, Germany): Rare-earth-metal complexes bearing group 13 heterobenzene ligand

12:10 Dr. Johann Hlina (University of Graz, Austria): Towards Rare-Earth-Transition Metal Complexes for Application in Hydrofunctionalisation Catalysis

12:30 − 14:00 Lunch Break

Chair: Prof. Dr. Thomas Just Sørensen

14:00 Plenary lecture: Prof. Dr. Peter Junk (James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia):  Recent developments in redox transmetallation chemistry involving rare earth metals (plenary lecture)

15:00 Prof. Dr. Sjoerd Harder (Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany): Synthesis and Structure of a Mg(0)-Yb(II) Complex

15:20 Dr. Guillaume Bousrez (Aarhus University, Denmark): Using ionic liquid to generate anhydrous lanthanide acetate

15:40 − 16:10 Coffee break

Chair: Prof. Dr. Reiner Anwander

16:10 Prof. Dr. Anja-Verena Mudring (Aarhus University, Denmark): Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids for f-Element Chemistry

16:30 Prof. Dr. David Mills (University of Manchester, UK): Towards linear lanthanide single-molecule magnets

16:50 Prof. Dr. Gaël Ung (University of Conneticut, Storrs, CT, USA): Circularly Polarized Luminescence of Curium and Americium molecular complexes

17:10 Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Sørensen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark): f-elements in solution, do we care?

17:30 Prof. Dr. Peter Roesky (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany): Multidecker Sandwich Compounds

From 19:15 Conference Dinner

Chair: Prof. Dr. Ingo Hartenbach

09:00 Plenary lecture: PD Dr. Oliver Janka (Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany): Rare earth based intermetallic aluminum compounds – structures and properties

10:00 Erich Turgunbajew (Augsburg University, Germany): Rare Earth doped Borosulfates – Candidates for Quantum cutting?

10:20 Marvin Michak (Leipzig University, Germany): In situ investigations on H/O exchange reactions in yttrium hydride oxide YHO

10:40 – 11:10 Coffee break

Chair: Prof. Dr. Peter Roesky

11:10 Prof. Dr. Stephan Hohloch (University of Innsbruck, Austria): Putting the F in Phosphorus: Lanthanide Chemistry with Anilidophosphine Ligands

11:30 Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Ortu (University of Leicester, UK): New rare earth iminophosphoranomethanide complexes: synthesis, characterisation and applications

11:50 Jonas Malzacher (University of Tübingen, Germany): Donor-free samarium silylamides

12:10 Elias Alexopoulus(University of Leicester, UK): Phosphinoaryloxide Rare Earth Complexes for Frustrated Lewis Pair Chemistry

12:30 Prof. Dr. Gerd Meyer (Aarhus University, Denmark): Halides as Electrolytes for All-Solid-State Batteries

12:50 Closing remarks

P01 M. Tomar, A. Thapper, K. E. Borbas: Exploring chromophore-Ln(III) Interaction to Improve Photocatalytic Efficiency
P02 C. Foster, D. Sneddon, L. Hacker, E. Hammond, S. J. Conway, S. Faulkner: Activatable lanthanide complexes for luminescence and MRI
P03 V. Wessels, N. S. Kaur, S. Kügle, H. A. Höppe: Sulfatotungstates – Promising Candidates as Antenna Phosphors?
P04 E. C. J. Gießelmann, S. Engel, G. Kickelbick, O. Janka: Synthesis and oxidation of intermetallic aluminum compounds
P05 S. Engel, O. Janka: The rare earth platinides series REAl5Pt3 and RE2Al16Pt9
P06 P. Preisenberger, C. Maichle-Mössmer, R. Anwander: Reactivity of Ytterbium and Calcium pyrazolate complexes towards CO2
P07 J. Emerson-King, C. Clayton, A. Adel a Babtain, S. Sarfraz, G. F.S. Whitehead, D. P. Mills: Synthesis and reactivity of low-coordinate rare-earth silylamide complexes
P08 K. Huang, M. P. Walter: Synthesis of Open Base-free Metallocenes with Diva­lent Rare-earth and Alkaline-earth Metals
P09 O. F. Fellner, P. Sagar, E. Moreno-Pineda, A. Sunil, R. Herchel, W. Wernsdorfer, I. Nemec: Towards a Toroidal Moment via Carboxylate Ligand Exchange
P10 G. Buchner, P. Ettlinger, H. A. Höppe: Silver-Rare-Earth-Double-Sulphate-Hydrates AgLn(SO4)2∙H2O (Ln = La – Nd, Sm – Gd)
P11 J. Locher, L. Vondung: Lanthanide Complexes with Bis-Phosphine Ligands
P12 P. Wetzel, D. C. Burghardt, C. Maichle-Mössmer, R. Anwander: Gallium outperforms aluminum in rare-earth-metal-based isoprene polymerization
P13 K. K. Wolff, L. H. Tjeng, M. Jansen: 3d-5d double perovskites containing rare earth metals
P14 C. Odenwald, C. Maichle-Mössmer, R. Anwander: Sandwich and Half-Sandwich Lanthanum Methyl Complexes
P15 H. Redmill, A. Brookfield, G. F. S. Whitehead, E. J. L McInnes, D. P Mills: Solvent-free Rare Earth Bis(trimethylsilyl)phosphide Complexes
P16 J. Kohl-Chandramohan, M. R. Schweikert, T. Junginger, I. Hartenbach, Marie-Louise Lemloh: Bioaccumulation and excretion of rare earth-containing par­ti­cles in the single-celled eukaryote Tetrahymena
P17 R. Risken, E. Kreidt: DOTA-based photoswitchable ligands for lanthanoids
P18 K. Mamonov, M. C. Wied, T. J. Sørensen: Effect of charge on oxyanion sensing in Eu(III)-based nanooptodes
P19 M. C. Wied, K. Mamonov, T. J. Sørensen: Preparation of a europium(III)-based nanooptode for bicarbonate sensing by nanoparticle surface post-complexation
P20 L. Y. Dorsch, T. Hansen, H. Kohlmann: Investigating the hydrogenation of Zintl phases EuTt (Tt = Si, Ge, Sn)
P21 C. Schwab, E. Kreidt: Azobenzene Cryptates as Photoswitchable Ligands
P22 N. Winterholler, E. Kreidt: Diazocines as building blocks in lanthanoid coordination compounds
P23 A. Babtain, D. Willcox, D. P. Mills: Expanding Lanthanide Chemistry Using Redox-Active Di(Imino)Pyridine Ligands
P24 R. E. MacKenzie, C. A. P. Goodwin: Valence Electron Configurational Isomers – f-Block Elements Acting Like d-Block Elements?
P25 K. Engel, Th. Schleid: From RbEu[AsS4] to Rb4Eu[AsS4]2: Synthesis and Characterization
P26 B. Knies, I. Hartenbach: The Neodymium Tantalate NdTaO4 in the M-Ferguso­nite Structure Type
P27 C. A. von Randow, G. Thiele: The Quest of a Samaride – The First Isolated Lanthanide Anion
P28 R. J. C. Locke, A. Erden, Th. Schleid: Pr3OI[AsO3]2: The First Oxide Iodide Oxoarsenate of the Rare-Earth Metals
P29 Y. Rechkemmer, J. Fischer, R. Marx, M. Dörfel, P. Neugebauer, M. Gysler, J. van Slageren: Crystal Field Splittings in Molecular Lanthanide Tetra- Carbonates
P30 V. Babizhetskyy, Yu. Tyvanchuk, V. Smetana, A.-V. Mudring: Crystal and electronic structure of the ternary silicides RFe1−xSi2 (R = Gd, Tb, Er, Tm, Yb)
Dieses Bild zeigt Ingo Hartenbach

Ingo Hartenbach

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Akademischer Oberrat

Dieses Bild zeigt Falk Lissner

Falk Lissner

Dr. rer. nat.

Akademischer Oberrat

Dieses Bild zeigt Björn Blaschkowski

Björn Blaschkowski

Dr. rer. nat.

Wiss. Mitarbeiter

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